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Village Media Bulletin: July 2024 Update

All posts 31 Jul 2024

July is coming to a close and we’ve got some fun initiatives, exciting projects and engaging events to share with you this month.

Whether you’re enjoying the summer outdoors or keeping cool inside, we hope you find this newsletter a great way to stay connected with everything happening in our Village.

New to the team 🌟

A new team member being added

We welcomed the following new Villagers to our team in July:

Spaces community manager Lacy Atalick
Oakville News and The Trillium senior account executive Charlene Luis
Village Media directory and classifieds coordinator Jenna Naccarato


Readers are voting for who is tops ✅

Reader Favourite Awards '24

Our annual Reader Favourites program is back! Voting is now open for readers to weigh in on who they think deserves top honours across 14 of our communities.

Designed to recognize the best local businesses in almost 100 categories, the program offers a way for readers to show love to their favourite local organizations.

Voting closes on August 30, after which the businesses with the most votes in their categories will be named a Reader Favourite 2024 award winner!

Hot deals were had in this year’s Summer Gift Card Auctions 🌞

Summer gift card auction

The auction fun isn’t just for the Christmas holidays! and hosted Summer Gift Card Auctions last week with over $70,000 in local gift cards up for grabs.

Readers enjoyed simmering savings, with hundreds of gift cards up for auction, starting at half the face value of the card.

Our next chance for big local savings will be when the holiday auctions hit our sites at the end of November.

Spaces launch approaching 🚀

Closeup of someone pushing a glowing blue button that reads "Spaces"

With our new community manager Lacy Atalick on board, Spaces is full steam ahead!

Lacy is busy planning our first Spaces topics, coordinating hosts and planning for a tentative October launch in our first community.

Sault Ste. Marie will be our inaugural Spaces community and the anticipation is building for our new, homegrown social network.

In the meantime, our developers are busy working on fine-tuning a platform that is user-friendly, community-focused and fun to use!

✨ Spotlight on sponsorships ✨

Yogis arrived at the Guelph Yoga and Wellness Festival, sponsored by GuelphToday.
Yogis arrived at the Guelph Yoga and Wellness Festival, sponsored by GuelphToday/Kyle Rodriguez

July sponsorships included fun-filled events in a dozen of our communities.

Polo in the Lavender, Aurora Farmer's Market

Angus Pop-Up Markets

Rockton RAM Rodeo

VR Pro: Canada Day Races, Rockton RAM Rodeo

Prism Pride Parade

Milton Fair Grounds: Canada Day Event, Prism Pride Parade

Polo in the Lavender

Orillia Scottish Festival

Welland Float Fest

Soo Football Club Coppa Giovanni Soccer Tournament, Rotaryfest, Algoma Veterans Associaton Golf Tournament, Village of Hilton Beach Arts on the Dock & Classic Car Show
Her Northern Voice SPG, Northern Lights Festival Boreal

Rock on the River

Spotted around the Village 🌎

Jenny Lamothe eating blueberry pie at the Sudbury Blueberry Festival

For the second year in a row, reporter Jenny Lamothe participated in the Sudbury Blueberry Festival blueberry pie-eating contest on July 19!

Jenny Lamothe posoing with the Sud-Berry bear

SooToday cares team posing with local Chamber of Commerce and Sault Pride members

Our Cares team snapped a photo with representatives from our local Chamber of Commerce and Sault Pride organizations, who co-hosted the Take 5 Love Local: Pride at 5 event with SooToday, held at the Village Media head office in Sault Ste. Marie.

Galt Jazz sponsored by

We are getting jazzy with sponsorships in Cambridge 🎷

Waterdown Farmers Market sponsored by

FlamboroughToday represents at the Waterdown Farmers Market.

Job openings 🔎

We're hiring

There are 17 opportunities on the Village job board. Take a look!

Pawesome Villager of the month 🐾

Bandit, a black and white tuxedo cat

Meet Bandit! 😻

Bandit is a sweet little tuxedo kitty! His owner Michelle just so happened to adopt him at the same time that Jenna Naccarato (our newest addition to the Client Services team) adopted his biological sister, Luna.

Coincidences are like cats—just when you think you've figured them out, they curl up somewhere unexpected!

Proud pet parent: Michelle Bujold

Until next month!